By Candy Leonard, author of Beatleness: How the Beatles and Their Fans Remade the World
With the exception of the great visionary Brian Epstein, no one would have predicted that we’d still be listening to and celebrating the Beatles in the 21st century. Across three generations and across the universe, their music continues to bring joy and happiness to millions.
Their story continues to fascinate and inspire people of all ages. The Gratitude Wall at the Fests are filled with heartfelt expressions of appreciation for the Beatles being there at life’s most difficult and most joyous moments.
When I was working on my book, Beatleness, I realized that there was no word to describe this amazing, complicated, fifty-year, multigenerational, cross-cultural phenomenon and how it makes people feel. I started calling it Beatleness, and it became the title of the book. It’s a way of describing the indescribable! Here are the three definitions of the word as they appear in the book.
Beatleness /bē-tl-nəs, bē-tl-nis/
1. qualities or characteristics of the Beatles and their works; a manifestation of the essential qualities that define “the Beatles.”
2. an emotional or spiritual state, condition, or feeling resulting from exposure to or thinking about the Beatles and their works.
3. cultural references and artifacts, tangible and intangible, that evoke the Beatles; artistic or commercial use of words and images associated with the Beatles.
We asked you to use the word “Beatleness” in a sentence for a chance to win a copy of the book—and got close to 100 responses! Many of you talked about the Beatleness that was passed to you from your parents or the Beatleness you’re passing on to your children. Others talked about the positive messages of Beatleness. It’s a useful word – let’s keep using it in 2015!
Below are the Top Ten responses…
James F. Opalecky – If there were more BEATLENESS in the world, we would live in peace and harmony, feeling love for each other!
Leslie Smith – The apex of Beatleness in my life was seeing Paul McCartney for the first time with my dad. We laughed, sang and cried together. It was a moment of pure music, love, and Beatleness that I hold dear now that my dad is gone.
Jennie Ann Hampton – I look at each and every person as an individual regardless of their race, religion or nationality. And I do feel that the Beatleness in my heart is partially responsible.
Debra Wallace Karina – Beatleness had entered my soul when I was young and will be with me every day for my entire life. I have shared it with my children !
Roger Yee – The world would be a much better place if more “Beatleness” existed.
Dan Vance – I’ve been a Beatle fan since I was a kid living in Europe. I worked hard to impress my kids with Beatleness since they were little kids, and I do believe it worked!!!
Marlene Reiter Yuzik – I have always had Beatleness in my life. Ever since I was 10 years old and saw them on Ed Sullivan. I have brought up my three children with Beatleness!!
Donna Bornemann – My best Beatleness moment – I had tickets to see Paul 1976 and went into labor so missed the concert and had a beautiful baby girl
Oscar Mayer – The Beatleness was all around and us and still has us under it’s power!
Briana Herzog – My Beatleness is obvious because I named my son Lennon!!!
And the winner is……James Opalecky!
Congrats, James. And thanks to all who entered!

I missed the opportunity to post a comment but I liked these so much I wanted to share: My 3 year old and I were walking to school one morning and there were geese using the crosswalk, 4 of them one in back of the other. I laughed and said, “look Lucy the geese are being safe and using the crosswalk”. She said laughing, “Yeah, just like The Beatles”. I used Abbey Road to teach her about road safety. How’s that for musical education! I agree and say faithfully- the world would be a better place with more Beatleness. Peace and love.