Happy Birthday, Ringo

ringobirthday.jpgRingo Starr, the greatest drummer in the history of Rock and Roll, turns a young 69 today, Tuesday, July 7th.  There is a terrific article marking the occasion  in Monday’s USA Today, written by our friend Dennis Diken of The Smithereens. We can’t wait until the The Beatles remastered catalogue comes out (09-09-09)  so we can hear the backbeat of the band even clearer than ever before. Happy Birthday, Ringo.

Peace and Love.


John Lennon Exhibit opens 5/12

johnyoko.jpgThe Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Annex NYC is proud to present JOHN LENNON: THE NEW YORK CITY YEARS, which opens May 12, 2009. This feature exhibit explores John Lennon’s passion for music, art, politics and film, with New York City as his backdrop. Capturing a time in Lennon’s life that was full of political and social activism, the exhibit reflects the spirit of the era during which he created some of his best work. Highlights of Lennon’s artifacts include his inimitable fashion statements, iconic photographs, legendary instruments, original handwritten lyrics and artwork. The Hall of Fame Annex is located downtown at 76 Mercer Street, between Spring and Broome Streets.

We have arranged a $5.00 discount for FEST FOR BEATLES FANS customers. Visit rockannex.com/fest, enter code FEST09 and the discount will appear. This discount for tickets will become available beginning May 8th.


It Was 35 Years Ago Today (4/28/74)

lennon74.jpgApril 28, 1974, New York City. It was an unseasonably warm Sunday (as it is today, here). It was warm enough to wear my new Capitol Records 10th Anniversary Beatles T-Shirt to Central Park to see John Lennon and Harry Nilsson talk for about 15 minutes on the main stage to support the March of Dimes Walkathon. 100,000 people were there and it was the shirt that led me directly to John (The pretty full story has been told previously). That was the day I met with John and told him my idea of a Beatles Fan’s Celebration. He got all excited about it and I will never, ever forget his exact words. John said, “I’m all for it. I’m a Beatles Fan, too!” With that one 15 minute meeting, my germ of an idea started to take definite shape. I think he liked the fact that I was a true fan (who also happened to work in a record store) and not some big corporation person. A little more than 4 months later, the first Fest was held at the old Commodore Hotel in NYC and over 8,000 fans were in attendance. John, true to his word, donated a signed guitar of his for the Charity Raffle. He wanted to come down and pick the winner in person, but on that day decided to go out of town. We even had a microphone for him set up in the balcony, with a path in through the kitchen. We didn’t tell a soul about it, but we were ready! I wish he had the chance to see it, but I did get to tell him all about it, in person, a little later that year. The convention was the cover story of Rolling Stone in their 10/24/74 issue, with the heading “Strange Rumblings in Pepperland”. The cover had a Beatles Lunch Box on it and the story was written by Joel Siegel. It has been a truly amazing 35 years and I feel privileged to be able to present the FESTs still in 2009! It is quite clear now that The Beatles music will live forever and the pure joy of The Beatles has been successfully passed


Paul and Ringo Perform Together at Radio City

paulandringo.jpgFor the first time on U.S. soil since August 29, 1966, Paul and Ringo performed together this past Saturday night, April 4th, at the David Lynch Foundation Benefit Concert at New York’s Radio City Music Hall. It was great to see so many FEST regulars at this historic event and we weren’t disappointed. The evening had many great musical highlights but for Beatles Fans, it was the last hour that was magical. Ringo came out and performed It Don’t Come Easy, Boys and Yellow Submarine (with Sheryl Crow and Eddie Vedder giddily singing background vocals). It was a great moment. Then, after resetting the stage, Paul and his band amazed the totally sold out audience with Drive My Car, Jet, Got to Get You Into My Life, Let It Be, Lady Madonna, Blackbird, Here Today, Band on the Run, and Can’t Buy Me Love. Paul then introduces “Billy Shears” and the place exploded as Ringo came running on the stage to sing With A Little Help From My Friends. Paul sang the harmonies and response lines in THE SAME MICROPHONE! After the song they had their arms around each other and had an exuberant glow about them. Most fans, including myself, were teary eyed at this moment. Then Ringo hopped on the drums for an appropriate song for the evening. It was a benefit with a goal of teaching 1 million children transcendental meditation. Paul said he wrote the song while in India in 1968 and performed Cosmically Conscious (from 1993’s Off the Ground CD) with most of the evening’s ensemble. The grand finale was I Saw Her Standing There with everybody joining in. What an unforgettable and historic evening! Other unannounced guests included Jerry Seinfeld, Howard Stern and Mike Love. Donovan was the catalyst who helped organize this event, and it was also wonderful seeing him again. Look for a probable TV special and a DVD of the event later this year.


35th Anniversary NY METRO FEST a blast!

festlogosm2thumbnail.jpgWhat an amazing weekend it was! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed presenting it to you. The musical lineup was truly special. Liverpool was never better and their sets brought the house down, especially Side One of Abbey Road on Saturday. Oh Darling and I Want You were particularly breathtaking. This was followed by Earl Slick, who joined for Nobody Told Me and I’m Losing You, two of John’s songs that Earl was the original guitarist on. Greg Hawkes of The Cars (who performed super showcases earlier for his Beatles UKE CD), came on and with Uke in hand did the Paul McCartney version of Something. Then did The Cars My Best Friend’s Girl. Neil Innes was next up with a beautiful rendition of Beware of Darkness and then did Imitation Song, a song he wrote just for the occasion. And if that was enough, Ronnie Spector, the first Rock and Roll Hall of Famer to ever grace our stage, lept on to the stage and belted out Baby I Love You, followed by Try Some Buy Some, the song that George wrote for her and released on Apple Records, and finished with her signature Be My Baby, one of the all time greats. It was a special moment and everyone was singing along. It was a tough act to follow, but Mark Hudson led the jam that included brother Brett, Earl and Greg, and when Hey Jude finally came around, it was almost 12:30AM. The room was packed, energy level off the charts and a splendid time was had by all! Also, Victor Spinetti mesmerized all, on stage in the afternoons with his stories about his antics with the Beatles. Fans were lined up to buy his autobiography. We sold out of the paperback edition, but we have a small quantity of the first edition Hard Cover, which he graciously signed for us. Click Here – #6081 if you want one of these copies. Congratulations to Blueberry Acres, who won Sunday’s Battle of the Beatles Bands. If you go to our Facebook site, you can see photos from the FEST from us and from attendees. We are sure we will see many fans tonight at Radio City Music Hall, where Paul & Ringo join Donovan and others for the David Lynch Foundation. Can’t wait! Please say hi if you spot us.


FEST is this weekend!!

festlogosm2thumbnail.jpgWe are all very excited about the 35th Anniversary FEST that begins on Friday. Today, we head to the Crowne Plaza Meadowlands to begin setting up for the celebration. Markteplace, sound, lights, gear, soundchecks, rehearsals, signs, decorations, all the things that it takes to make our show unique. Fans from as far away as England, Brazil and even Alaska are joining. So if you haven’t purchased your tickets and have some time this wekend, tickets are available at the door. Hope to se many old and new friends there.


Mark Lapidos -Guest DJ on Fireman Radio

firemanradio.png I am honored to announce that I will be a guest DJ on Sirius-XM Channel 33 – Paul McCartney’s Fireman Radio on Monday, March 9th. The One Hour show (taped recently at the Sirius Studios in NYC) will air at 10:00AM, 4:00PM and 10:00PM. tune in next week, not just to hear my song selections, but Paul is planning some surprise on air things.

Another reminder that the first advance Ticket Deadline for the upcoming FEST is next Friday, March 13th. So get those orders in on time.

Tickets for the David Lynch Foundation April 4th Benefit in NYC go on sale on March 9th. It is now confirmed that Paul, Ringo and Donovan (and others) will be performing. http://www.davidlynchfoundation.org/general-admission.html


Happy Birthday, George

george.jpgToday we celebrate the birthday of the amazing, astonishing, and world changing life of George Harrison,who would have turned 66 today, February 25th. His influences are still felt today. The Beatles Love Cirque du Soleil Show in Las Vegas would not have happened without George. The Benefit in NYC in April with Paul and Donovan (by the David Lynch Foundation) to teach a million kids transcendental meditation, is happening because of  his original fascination with Indian Music and culture. The Benefit concert idea to have rock musician’s play for a cause was started by George in 1971 at the Concert for Bangla Desh. We could go on and on, but we can never forget that it was his music that touched us all so much and will be remembered the longest. When The Beatles conquered America in February, 1964, George was still ONLY 20 YEARS OLD!!! Who could forget that first Ed Sullivan Show. The very first song was  All My Loving and George nailed the lead then the harmonies on the last verse with Paul. It was very obvious to us viewers that it wasn’t a two man group. It was total package with each member contributing 25% of the essence of The Beatles. Add it all up and it came to much more than 100%. Happy Birthday George. We miss you, your family misses you, and the world misses you. Listen to your favorite George music today and hear why, once again, he will never, ever be forgotten. Peace and Love and Hari Krishna.

[Note: When the details for the Benefit in April at Radio City Music Hall are made public we will announce them immediately.]


Sirius XM Launch of Paul’s Fireman Radio

paulsm.jpgFireman Radio to give listeners unprecedented access to Paul McCartney.

Paul to host “fireside chats”

SIRIUS XM Radio announced that it will launch a limited-run channel devoted to the music of Paul McCartney, in celebration of his new critically acclaimed album recorded under the guise of his alter ego, The Fireman. Paul McCartney’s Fireman Radio, and will premiere tomorrow, Valentine’s Day, February 14 and will air through Friday, March 13 on The Bridge, SIRIUS channel 33 and XM channel 27.

The channel will feature a rare in-depth and revealing interview with Paul. During the interview, Paul shares his inspiration behind his secret Fireman projects. Paul’s Fireman Radio is an exclusive commercial-free channel, completely devoted to McCartney’s legendary and expansive post-Beatles music-making and will include music from his solo records, tracks from every Wings album, the three Fireman albums, 1993’s Strawberries Oceans Ships Forest, 1998’s Rushes and 2008’s Electric Arguments as well as musical surprises from Paul’s vault.

Additionally, Paul will host exclusive “fireside chats” where he will discuss music, politics, news and any other topic he feels compelled to discuss. Paul, on Fireman Radio, will take SIRIUS XM listeners on an in-depth exploration of each song from The Fireman’s latest album, Electric Arguments. He will speak candidly and openly about every track and will shed new light on this acclaimed music project, which for years has been shrouded in secrecy. On Paul’s Fireman Radio, he pulls back the curtain to reveal the creative process behind The Fireman. Never before has Paul shared so many personal insights into this fascinating chapter in his musical legacy.

“Paul’s Fireman Radio allows all of us the privilege to hear a revealing side of one of the world’s biggest artists, sharing his work in a way that is unprecedented in its scale, unduplicated in its intimacy, and completely unique to SIRIUS XM,” said Scott Greenstein, President and Chief Content Officer, SIRIUS XM Radio.

It has been ten years since Paul and Youth, the bassist in British post-punk rock band Killing Joke and a respected producer, have collaborated on their experimental side project, The Fireman. In November of 2008, The Fireman released their third album, Electric Arguments.

I (Mark) have been asked to record a Guest DJ segment for Fireman Radio, and I am honored to be part of the programming. You will have to check www.sirius.com/firemanradio to find out when it will run. This dedicated web page for Paul McCartney’s Fireman Radio, includes video clips of an exclusive Macca interview conducted at our  SIRIUS XM studios on January 14.

For more information, please visit www.sirius.com orwww.xmradio.com
