The Original & Longest Running Beatles Celebration, Since 1974!
2025 New York Metro Fest
  • The Fest Shop

    The Fest Shop is where the largest online Beatles store in the world comes to life - at The FEST! Beatles apparel - T-Shirts, hoodies, children and infant apparel, robes, socks, hats, books, signed books, DVDs, CDs, Vinyl, bags, new calendars, record players, sterling silver jewelry, ukuleles, model buses & taxis, kitchen-ware, towels, blankets, toys, puzzles, collectables, accessories, and Every other Little Thing you can think of. Plus, all of the latest licensed items.

  • Giant Beatles Marketplace

    The Giant Beatles Marketplace is filled with vendors from as far away as England and all across America, full of an astonishing array of Beatles merchandise. If there’s a Beatles item you’re searching for – no matter how rare – odds are that it’s here.  For sale will be collectibles, recordings, videos, vinyl, books, photos, posters, art, & more. Also located in this spacious room with be all the guest authors. You can meet them, talk with them and even get a personalized signed copy of their books.

  • Liverpool and Musical Guests In Concert

    Our musical guests will be joining Liverpool on stage for part of Saturday and Sunday's concerts.

  • Beatles 60s Dance Party, Look-Alike And Dress-Up Contests

    The Annual Friday Night Dance Party to the sounds of a Liverpool concert always gets the weekend off to a high flying start! Do that hippie hippie shake, it’s a great way to meet new Beatle people and let your inhibitions out the (bathroom) window. The Party is an optional 60s Dress-Up Night. Find something you haven't worn for decades - or perhaps something you scoop up at a vintage shop or costume store - and get into the era. Prizes awarded for the Best Outfits. We also have a Lookalike Contest as well as lots of Door Prizes.


  • Signing Sessions

    One of the very special aspects of THE FEST FOR BEATLES FANS is the access to our Special Guests - a chance to say hello, get an autograph, maybe take a photo with them, or purchase an album or Photo from them and have them signed as well. We announce the signing times a week before the FEST so you may plan out your weekend with us.

  • You Sing The Beatles Contest
  • Beatles Museum and Art Contest

    Over 59 years of Beatles History is traced here through pictures, articles and some memorabilia. We have done our own version of remastering (and updating) the Museum. Our popular Kids Art Korner is back - it's a place where youngsters can create Beatles art on site, and have it displayed as well! Crayons, papers, and markers are provided. The annual Beatles Art Contest is where you can show off your creativity in an environment that your Beatles artwork can be most appreciated - by other Beatles fans! Don't be shy, bring your artwork this year, or create a new piece just for the contest. You can check in your Art work with Deco, when you arrive. Prizes are awarded in three categories: Professional, Amateur, & 16 years or younger. Ribbons are given to all who enter.

    What is Fluxus?

    Fluxus is What!  The absurdist avant garde movement of the early 1960s grew up in New York City with roots in Dadaism. The original Fluxus group included John Cage and Yoko. With performance and participation bits all weekend in the Art Room and the Faboratory and other Fest locations, you will experience some of its crazy anti-establishment joy and learn how this movement affected John Lennon. A panel discussion will include author Madeline Bocaro and artist Deco looking at how Fluxus and the surrealist music scene in Europe influenced Beatles music from Revolver to the White Album.

  • The FABoratory

    Hey Beatles geniuses, put on your Fab coats! The FABoratory invites you to dissect songs, play Beatles games, invent the future of being a Beatles fan, and use your imagination. Stop by any time to play, to leave your Magical Mystery theories and Mad Fab scientist notes on the wall.

  • Battle of the Beatles Bands

    The Battle of the Beatles Bands is always one of the highlights of the weekend! Taking place on Sunday late afternoon, the contest is open to all bands consisting of FEST attendees. Each group will play one or two Beatles or solo Beatles songs in the main ballroom, with the audience serving as the judge for this exciting and fun contest.

    Participating bands only need to bring guitars, cords for their instruments,  drumsticks and their FEST tickets. All other equipment is provided by the FEST. To enter, you must sign up either by phone (1-866-THE FEST), email ( or by mail when ordering your tickets. Deadline to enter is March 14. The Winning Band gets to play a set on the Apple Jam Stage in 2026.

  • Beatles Ashram

    How has The Beatles' message and spiritual teachings transcended to today, more than 50 years later? Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream to find your inner light in The Fest's Beatles Ashram. Learn about the Transcendental Meditation technique, the spiritual avenue popularized by The Beatles on their well-known trip to India to study with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

    Throughout the weekend, the room will feature today's yoga and mindfulness innovators as they share their practices of yoga, sound healing, poetry and words of wisdom.

  • Beatles Video & A/V Presentations

    There are so many exciting activities going on at any one time at The FEST that sometimes fans need to stop by our Video and A/V Room to sit back, relax, and float downstream with a wide variety of Beatles and solo Beatles material, running for most of the weekend.  Most of the footage is from the Steve Shorten Collection.

  • Live Beatles Trivia Game Shows & Name that Tune

    Tom Frangione (of The Beatles Channel's The Fab Fourum) and Susan Ryan are the hosts for the Live Trivia Game Shows and Name That Tune Competitions each day. Questions range from very easy to quite difficult and it's how quick you recall the answers that makes the difference. Brush up on your trivia, as all contestants are picked from the audience. There will also be some competitions for the younger fans in attendance.

  • Beatles Auction

    Our Beatles Auction will be held on Saturday afternoon. Anyone is welcome to bring their rare items to enter on the day of the show. We cannot guarantee everything gets in but we will try our best to accommodate. The auction is where some great bargains can be found. If you have any unique items for the auction, please let us know when ordering your tickets.

  • Guest Author Discussions & A/V Presentations

    Over the past 50 years of the FEST (nationally), we’ve been piecing together the story of the Beatles guest by guest - those that knew The Beatles and those that have written about them. That will continue this year, as our Beatles authors and experts discuss the Fab Four and the lasting impact they’ve made on society.

  • New Beatles Play by The Troika

    I Wanna See The Band!

    Two teams of contestants vie for the big prize  - 4 tickets to see "Sir Paul" in Bayonne  in a rollicking competition of puzzles, stunts, and trivia proving their Beatles lore. Come and cheer for the teams. Maybe even get selected to join them!

    Deco Freeman, Victoria Pichla Luz and Wally Podrazik perform.

  • Beatles Yoga

    Yoga and Meditation to Beatles music will take place here -- a great place to relax in Beatles style.

  • Fest Charities: More than $620,000 Raised since 1974!



    Yoko Ono contributes signed pieces at every FEST to help raise more money for the Spirit Foundation, the organization that John and Yoko set up in the late 1970s to be able to donate to good causes anonymously.


    Yoko has continued this, donating millions over the years. We will be raising funds through our Charity Raffles and Charity Auction items.




    The FEST has been raising money and awareness for the out of control gun violence, since early-1981. It is over 44 years since we lost John to a crazed person with easy access to a handgun and there is still a lot more progress that needs to be done to cut down on the amount of gun violence that still exists in America. The CSGV has merged with the Johns Hopkins Center For Gun Violence Solutions.

  • For the Little Child

    As more second generation Beatles fans are having children, we are expanding our show to include more activities geared to the 12 and under crowd. Here are the events in headline form. The fuller descriptions are found in the activity details.

    1.   Beatles Parade

    2.   Kids Korner Art – All weekend in the Art Museum

    3.   Kids Trivia Contest

    4.   Kids Name That Tune

    5.   Kids Beatles Yoga

  • Door Prizes

    Throughout the weekend many Door Prizes are handed out at random to FEST attendees from the Grand Ballroom Stage. Items such as T-Shirts, Books, CDs, DVDs, Posters, Cirque du Soleil merchandise, promotional material, etc.

    There will also be a number of Charity Raffles at the FEST, with the money raised going to causes such as Spirit Foundations and The Johns Hopkins Center For Gun Violence Solutions. Since we began, in 1974, we have raised over $605,000.00 for various charities.

  • Make A Beatles Video With Karen

    There are hundreds of Beatles and Solo songs to sing along with in the Make A Beatles Video room, run by Karen.

  • rock CAN roll

    You CAN HELP Out While You Rock Out! Please Bring some HEALTHY nonperishables (for  people or PETS) to The Fest! A list of most needed foods CAN be found at
