We Remember George Today -8 Years Later

georgeharrison2November 29, 2001 – The day we lost George Harrison to cancer. If there ever was a day for any Beatles fans who still smokes to give them up, today is the day. Listen to his music and think about the music he could still be giving us if it hadn’t been for those damn ciggies that they didn’t know better about. We do, so do “Something” about it. When you think about The Beatles, it is a given that they had the two greatest songwriters in history – John Lennon and Paul McCartney. But it is equally amazing that they also had another one, way up there, in George Harrison. His body of work is a mountain in the world of music. His is greatly missed and our thoughts are with Olivia and Dhani on this day.

Give Me Love, Give Me Peace on Earth.


36 thoughts on “We Remember George Today -8 Years Later

  1. Between all The Beatles, secretly, George has always been my favorite. So today is the day im giving up cigs and throwing on my beatles records. its such a shame we had to lose someone as great as George so early, as well as john. may he rest in peace and be forever in out hearts especially today. :[

    my heart goes out to Dhani and Olivia…
    with all my heart…..
    -Kaylee Day

  2. In 1963, I was in the 6th grade and a friend came running up to me with the Beatles first 45 out in the U.S. Look at them, she said, what do you think? To be honest, I made a face because as you know, that picture was not flattering AT ALL!! It did however pique my curiousness and so began my love affair with those 4 mop tops from Liverpool! I saw them perform on the Ed Sullivan Show and haven’t been the same since! As a young girl, don’t laugh too hard, I played “him” as my cousin and I imitated the Beatles for our family & friends. What fun they brought so many young people!! I loved them all, but my fondness was always for George for some reason; I couldn’t fathomed why exactly until much later in life. His spiritual beliefs are what we had in common. His maturity in his later years just endeared him to me more than I could have ever imagined. My love and blessings to his beautiful/giving wife, Olivia, and his handsome/generous son. Thank you for allowing us into a little piece of his life. As you have said, I will miss him until my dying day……to that all I can say is, ” ditto.” Pam

  3. George, there are so many millions of people who still today love you and John.With all that love and all the energy that goes with it, I am sure we are pulling your Spirits towards us. I can feel you around everyday. I have loved you for 45 years and will continue to do so forever.I am looking foreward to meeting you someday. The world misses the music that could have been,but is so thankful for the music that was left here by you for us and future generations. Thankyou

  4. I’m not defending smoking, but George’s mother (like him) died of a brain tumor, so we can’t really blame it completely on smoking. Yes, he had pharyngeal cancer, but some people just seem to have it in their genes.

    Either way, I miss him.

  5. 2001 was a wretched year, for me…in one month I lost my Dad and we all lost George. But I was able to use music – largely Beatles music – to get me through both of those losses, which only makes those songs mean more to me now. So thanks, Beatles, for all you’ve done so far and will do in the future.

  6. I watched my ‘Concert for George’ DVD today to celebrate and honor the life of a great musican, and a person I’ve adored since I was a kid. I have always been a big George Harrsion fangirl, and always will be. Thank you George for all the great music! We sure miss you!

  7. I still remember where I was when I heard that George passed away.
    I drove my daughter to a party and the radio was on. My mouth dropped when I heard the news! (Oh boy)Interestingly, of all the Beatles, I always thought that George had the sweetest voice of them all and the most intraspective lyrics. He is sorely missed and always will be!!!

    My sincerest condolences to Olivia and Danhi

  8. I remeber seeing George for the first time on the Ed Sullivan show with the rest of the Beatles and I knew there was something special about them. I loved all of Georges solo works and have all his CD’s. It really hurt to hear that George had past away at a young age. When I want to hear him I just play his music and it seems he’s there with me. Thank you George for the memories.

  9. George Harrison died from brain cancer on the morning that I had my last MRI preceding my crainiotomy to remove a tumor which went down and angle, a megaglioma which was too big for comfort.
    He was one of the things who helped me along with a lot of faith in God to make it through my surgery and conquer all of my fears before. The outcome wasn’t expected to be good and I thought to myself when I heard the news being wheeled out of the room, I didn’t even have a chance to cry, that at least I would be in a place with good company!
    That faith, fortitude,and comfort has brought me through with very minimal damage so I was truly blessed. and very sad that there is only two left of the Fab Four. I remember watching them on Ed Sullivan and my father jokingly saying “There’s the Bug Band.” But, as a professional musician, he played a many of their compositions before he died! And with respect for these four great musicians. GIVE ME PEACE ON EARTH. We truly need it.

  10. What is it about George Harrison that evokes such fondness, such passionate allegiance? I was hooked on George as a 10 year old, and now I appreciate him and his contributions from the vantage point of maturity.
    “If onlys” won’t make it better, but the wealth of material does ease the loss. I’m grateful to be among his fans, or, more accurately, admiring audience. His voice will continue on…

  11. I’m always so depressed this time of year , it makes me so sad to still realize that George is gone. This world has been through so much this year that it just knocks the wind out of me!!!!!! John , George , and now even Michael Jackson have been taken from us!!!!! What is this world commign too. It makes you realize how much we need eachother. That’s a lesson that they all tried to tell us. Love one another , help one another , cherish one another, be kind to those who have never felt kindness. Their passing has made me change the way I look at the world and that’s the way I know George would have wanted it. I pray that God may bless everyone that George, John and yes even Michael knew and hopefully learn from the message that they tought thruogh their music. God Bless.

  12. I will feel the loss of George and John for the rest of my life. I cried and cried when John was killed. Now I can’t stand the thought of reading about it or seeing anything on it on TV.
    I was so heart broken about George that I spend a year looking at stuff on e-bay about him. Mooning about him. George was always my favorite. When I watch the Beatles I can’t keep my eyes off of him!
    Thank you George and John for everything. For the wonderful music, for the humor and the love.

  13. George was a very talented musician and will always be remembered as we listen to his music. He will always remain in our hearts!

  14. Remembering the moment and place in my life when I learned of George’s is never easy, for I was in the Hospital eleven days after buring my Dad. I remember George every single day of my life. Remembering John and George and siluetting your life after them in PEACE and Harmony is the ONLY tribute anyone cangive to two very Special people. I’m 56 and about to be a Grandmothe and I CAN”T wait to turn my grandchild on the

  15. George I miss you let me count the ways. As my main man you meant and mean so much to me. Your music has provided me with joy and ideas.

    ” All Things Must Pass ” not yet.

  16. George was always my favorite. I didn’t understand the connection at age 16 when I saw them on Ed Sullivan, but knew it was real. As I got older I realized we shared the same spirituality. Funny, the actual day he died (the day before the world was told) I spent hours just listening to his music. Even though George is my fave, I didn’t really listen to his music on any regular basis, but that evening it was all I wanted to listen to. Time stood still for a moment the next morning when “I heard the news today oh boy.” His music is a common thread of spirituality and truth through us and will forever be connected.
    God bless you Olivia and Dhani for continuing his light.

  17. There will never be another group who can play within all genre like the Beatles. That said, there will never be another voice,heart,mind and talent such as Georges. He is and always will be my favorite Beatle.I do miss him and his beautiful unique voice.

  18. There will never be another group who can play within all genre like the Beatles. That said, there will never be another voice,heart,mind and talent such as George’s. He is and always will be my favorite Beatle. I do miss him and his beautiful unique voice.

  19. This is so hard for me to know that I’ll never know George, or John for that fact. When George died, I was only five. I got my first Beatles CD when I was four. the number one hits CD. after that, I never was able to stop listening. I always, even when I was little, loved George. I want to thank George for all the music that was, and never will be. I love you, and my love to Olivia and Dhani for continuing his legacy.

  20. George Harrison was one of the worlds greatest musicians, the way he could blend cultures of music was amazing. He was my hero, he is why music is my life. George died November 24th 2001 but his soul will live on forever giving musicians inspiration to become the very best they can be. We will always remember the once great musician.

  21. I find it hard to believe that it’s been 8 years. George was always “the realist” to me. He was the first to realize that the Beatles could not continue on the path they were on (live performers who could not hear themselves, nor be able to live even semi-normal lives. I certainly appreciated his post-Beatle music, causes and projects. His approach to life is one to strive for. Peace and happiness to Olivia & Dhani (thanks for Rockband!)

  22. The death of George Harrison was another major blow in that terrific year of 2001. I was still grieving over 9/11 when this occurs. The good news is that after smoking for over 27 years, I finally quit during Jan 08. It has been and continues to be one of the hardest things that I have ever done. Now working in a cancer association gives me a first hand view of what cancer can do to you. There have been to many deaths in the Beatles family due to cancer. Quiting smoking isn’t easy but it really should be done. God Bless you George. I will always miss you George but you will forever be in my heart.

  23. Some people used to call him the quite Beatle. I call him my best Beatle. He might not have been the most prolific composer but certainly he could be named the best of them because so many of his songs are real masterpieces from which the other three Beatles got a lot of what they have. I really love George Harrison and if I could ever speak to the Lord in heaven I’d ask to have George back among us. God bless the memory of George Harrison.

  24. In My Life: George Harrison (1943 – 2001)

    Dear George:
    On the morning of November 29th, my clock radio awakened me as it normally does at the unspeakable hour of 5:30 AM. Before a word was spoken, the opening chord to “Here Comes The Sun” was played and I instantly knew that you had passed away. I rolled over in bed, exhaled a painful sigh, hugged my sleeping wife and said to myself, “and now there are two.”
    When a close friend or family member dies, relatives and associates of the deceased feel compelled to gather and talk about the person in the most glowing of terms, whether they mean it or not. I can honestly say that although I have never met you personally, I feel as though I know you and need to tell you what an enormous effect you have had on my life. Your music, your presence and your values have become a part of my life ever since I found out about that new rock group from Liverpool in the early 1960’s.
    I was at Kennedy Airport when you first came to the United States. I remember that it was a cold and windy day, but I convinced my friend to drive us out to the airport since my dad was using the family car. Even if he were around, I would have been reluctant to ask him to use the car for the sole purpose of seeing the Beatles land on our shores. I saw you and the lads quite clearly and amidst the pandemonium was glad to have been there.
    The first concert I ever attended was seeing the Beatles at Forest Hills Stadium in New York. At the time, I was eighteen years old and a freshman in college when the concert date was announced Since I had become a fan of the group, the fact that you were playing at a location that was literally a fifteen minute walk from my house made my attendance mandatory. My best friend and I cut our morning classes and stood on line to obtain tickets for this landmark event. We may have missed some important educational concepts that day, but the concert was a turning point in my life. That concert has been, for me the yardstick to which I have compared all concerts I have seen since that time. Few have compared and many have fallen short. Aside from the music an incident occurred at the concert that I have never forgotten. An army of policemen protected the concert stage. To aid in their efforts, a maze of wooden barricades was constructed in front of the stage so that no one could rush the stage. In spite of the cops and barricades, girls were running towards the group and for the most part, were intercepted by the most agile of cops. The band continued to play against this backdrop of sheer craziness. You were on the right side of the stage whereupon a fairly large girl appeared next to you. Somehow, she had eluded all the obstacles put in her path and all that separated the two of you was a few feet. She calmly walked up behind you, put her unusually large arms around you, lifted you up and proceeded to carry you away as though you were a bag of groceries. Undaunted, you continued to play and sing. The cops quickly got her to release you and the concert continued. Although John’s politics and mine were remarkably similar, his musical career took some turns that I didn’t understand. Paul, as a husband and father is an example to us all. However, his music has also taken some turns that are somewhat curious to me. Ringo is Ringo and continues to be a joy to us all. However, in your case, you have continually stayed true to your music and religious beliefs. Just as you did in that concert in Forest Hills, you stayed the course. I know how difficult it must have been through the Beatle years to see albums released with few of your tunes included. Yet, you persevered, giving us a glimpse of your enormous talent and in 1970 released your solo effort, the three record set of “All Things Must Pass,” This offering not only put you on equal footing with John and Paul, but also established that album historically as one of the best records ever produced. To me, your music and Phil Spector’s production on that album were the high water mark of both of your careers.
    When John was tragically taken from us, I cried. He was taken in such a cruel and untimely manner. When you passed, I thought about why I didn’t cry. I cried for John because his life was cut short even though he achieved so much success as a father, husband and musician. After careful introspection, I realized that you had also lived a full and complete life, but for a much longer amount of time than John did. You found true love in your wife and son. Your religious beliefs remained steadfast and true and your music continued to be fresh and vital. You lived, you prospered and you gave something back to us all. I cannot cry, I can only sigh and thank you for the memories and hours of great music.
    At this point, one should ask the Lord to rest your soul. I will ask, but I know your soul is at rest and you are truly in a better place. Thank you, my friend for all that you have meant to me.
    Yours truly,
    Mike Gruenberg


  26. I, like so many, had my life changed by The Beatles. How blessed to have their music be such an influence and comfort over all these years. George’s music talents will be forever admired and will continue to comfort, inspire and give us hope. I miss George and John everyday. The world has lost two caring spirits. We can only imagine what could have been.
    Thank you Olivia and Dhani for sharing George with all of us!

  27. I often wonder if George ever truly knew how much he was appreciated as a songwriter and musician. He was so overshadowed by Paul and John and I know there was resentment because of it. But you know he, not John or Paul, wrote as far as I’m concerned the most beautiful Beatles ballad ever. “Something”. George was also a very tasteful guitar player. I know that people loved him just because he was a Beatle and I understand that and I think that bothered him as well. I hope that he knew that he was truly loved and respected for being George and not just for being a Beatle.

  28. George, you gave so many people who have felt marginalized a voice. I knew a George fan with Asperger’s (the spectrum partner to autism) who would let you “talk” for her. She relied on quotes you made as well as your lyrics. Add to it she was a George/Beatles’ fan and expert.

    George, I can never thank you enough for all you have shared with us. I think of how you were surrounded by love from the moment of your very conception and were welcomed with open arms and open hearts. You brought people closer to God with your music and you were always humble about your talents.

    My church, a Catholic church uses your songs for many of our prayer meetings, Bible studies and discussion groups. We especially love “Dear One” because it’s a beautiful prayer set to music.

  29. Pingback: olivia art

  30. The Beatles music would not sound the same if not for George’s lead guitar licks. His contribution to music is unmeasureable and truely missed. It is very hard to believe that two of the Beatles are gone (but DEFINATELY NOT FORGOTTEN). They are all wonderful musicians by their own rights; but when they came together as The Beatles….something magical happened!T hey not only changed the way we listened to music but it was a perfect blend of musical genius that can never be duplicated. There is only one original and that will always belong to the “Beatle-sound”.
    We will always love you for who you are George and we miss you dearly from the bottom of our hearts.

    With love…”FROM ME TO YOU”,
    Donna from Florida

  31. I remember in 2001 after george died I gave a speech at the football banquet, perhaps the longest, biggest speech ever thanking the football players and mentioning George’s death

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