Love Me Do Vinyl Single Now Set For 10/22

October 12th: Apple and Capitol Records has announced the release of The Beatles Love Me Do/P.S. I Love You on Vinyl to honour the 50th Anniversary of the original release, October 5, 1962. The revised date is now October 22nd. We are completely sold out of our allotment at this time. Everyone who ordered from us will receive their copies in about two weeks. If we are able to obtain any more, we will make an announcement and put it up again in our webstore.


Today we celebrate John’s birthday, October 9, 1940

Today, John Lennon would have turned 72 years old. Although he didn’t make it to the age where he could actually have Yoko “Grow Old With Me”, we are still left with his enormous legacy of music, art, poetry, peace and love. If you are a facebook person, change your photo to John’s for the day. Fans all around the world are doing it. If you live in the New York area, today is the last day of The Art Work of John Lennon Exhibit at 130 Prince Street. Please check out our facebook page today as we have many things about John on this special day.

Listen to John’s music today. It is a reminder (not that we need one) of why we love him so much. The music will bring a smile to your face and, yes, occasionally a tear to your eyes. John’s spirit lives on in all of us. Happy Birthday, John, wherever you are!

Yoko is again lighting the light for the John Lennon Memorial in Iceland today. Check it out

Peace and Love…


It Was 50 Years Ago Today, October 5, 1962 – The Beatles First Single

50 Years ago today in the U.K., Parlophone released The Beatles first single, Love Me Do/P.S. I Love You. It was this version that had Ringo on the drums and it made it up to Number 17 on the national charts in the UK. Cosmic seismic meters took a hit that day, but it was nothing compared to what was going to happen over the next 7 1/2 years as The Beatles turn out 13 albums and over 200 songs that will be listened to for centuries to come. Their impact can never be overstated.

A commemorative Vinyl Single with the original UK sleeve was scheduled to be released by Capitol Records today, but they have informed us that manufacturing issues has pushed back the release a couple of weeks. As soon as we get an exact expected date, we will post it. The edition is fully allocated and we can not get any more than what we have pre-ordered. We only have a very small amount of these that have not been pre-orderd already.

We apologize for our site being down at this time for maintenance, but you may call in your order for this single or anything else by calling during east coast business hours, Toll Free – 1-866-THE FEST.

Scrabble® – The Beatles Edition is now in stock and so are the new Editions of Magical Mystery Tour (DVD, BLU RAY & 10″ BOX SET). Music Skins for the iPhone 5 will be in stock in a couple of weeks -8 Beatles Styles and 4 John Styles.


Magical Mystery Tour Night in America – Tonight (10/2)

The Beatles filmed Magical Mystery Tour 45 years ago, in September, 1967. It was a made for TV film, shown in the U.K. and had a short run here on college campuses in 1968, but has never had a theatrical release until today, Tuesday, October 2nd. Most theatres are showing the film tonight at 7:30PM, but there are places showing it at other times over the next week. CLICK HERE to see where it is playing in your area. The films was certainly avant garde and ahead of its time, but as Paul recently said, any film that includes I Am The Walrus must be worthy. The film also features the late great Victor Spinetti (a special guest at many FESTS over the years) and fab guest, Neil Innes  (The Rutles) makes a musical appearance as well. It is not too late to make plans with your Beatles friends and family to have the chance to see it on a large screen with other fellow Beatles fans. It should be quite an experience. If you live in the New York are, we (Mark, Carol, Michelle and Jessica) are going to the Chelsea Cinema on West 23rd St, NYC. Consider this “An Invitation To Make A Reservation” for tonight. We do recommend getting tickets ahead of time, as we did. We do not know how many tickets are pre sold. Hope to see many of you later. The reason for the Theatrical showings is to herald the DVD and (for the first time)BluRay Editions, set for release on October 9th. There is also a Deluxe Edition Box Set that has lots of extras. You can pre order these this week. We expect to start shipping this Friday so you can receive them on or close to its release date.


Scrabble®: The Beatles Edition Now in stock

October 1, 2012: On the exact 43rd anniversary of the U.S. Release of Abbey Road (10/1/1969), we receive the much anticipated Beatles Edition of Scrabble®. The fulfillment has begun and we hope to have almost all of the pre orders sent out by midweek. This is one of the games (like Beatles Monopoly and Beatles Trivial Pursuit) that fans are going to want to own. We have plenty in stock, so if you haven’t ordered one yet, what are you waiting for?? For all of you who are getting them, please let us know what you think of it, once ou have had a chance to play the game.
