An Open Letter to Paul McCartney…
Dear Paul,
What can we say! You have been a vital, integral, important, influential, exhilirating, memorable, and happy part of our lives for almost 50 years. Ever since The Beatles came into our homes on February 9, 1964, there has been a grip that refuses to let go for the baby boomer generation. For the next generations, the first time hearing a Beatles song is an incredible moment as well. It is a feeling we all get every time we hear a Beatles song!
Thank you for continuing to create music after the Beatles, bringing us Wings and all of your Solo songs. Your music and life have bee an inspiration to millions of fans around the world.
Your concerts have ALWAYS been phenomenal, but the most enduring part of your legacy is you are getting BETTER! Your stadium shows last summer when we saw you in Yankee Stadium and Wrigley Field were the best, ever! It is so obvious how much you love to perform in front of a live audience. You somehow make everyone in attendance feel you are singing only to them in their own homes. Your singular gift is successfully conveyed to your fans. We look forward to many more years of great concerts!
We are thrilled to see that you are happily married to Nancy and we wish you all the best in the world!!!
In 1979, John sent a message to the fans at our FEST. He said, “Tell the fans The Music Was The Thing”. Well, Sir Paul, you have certainly never forgotten that focus, and the world is a better place because of that.
May you have a fantastic 70th Birthday. You are proof that 70 is the new 50. Keep on rockin’ and Happy Birthday To You!!
Mark, Carol, Michelle & Jessica Lapidos
The Fest For Beatles Fans