It Was 45 Years Ago Today, June 1 or 2, 1967

Depending in which country you live, (but let’s not be picky) the most famous album of all time was unleashed on the world by The Beatles. Of course, it was Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. The album had everything, beginning with the music – 13 stellar tracks flowing from one to another with no breaks (except to turn the ‘record’ over). The iconic cover photo announcing their arrival, the lyrics on the back cover (a first), cutouts, and a final chord for the ages. It affected Jimi Hendrix so much that he learned the title track and performed it that weekend in a London club where Paul was in the audience. Johnny Rivers wrote Summer Rain, which include the line “Everybody kept on playing Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”. She’s Leaving Home made parents cry (and fans, too). And what was that strange sounding song that opened side two – Within You Without You? George was bold enough to write and record it and The Beatles were bold enough to include it on the disc. It only single handedly opened up the entire Western World to a ‘new’ Eastern World sound and culture that is still being felt today. And what about A Day In The Life. It was John and Paul at the height of creativity. By 1965, John & Paul were pretty much writing their own songs with each helping the other to make them better. But not this one. This was a 50/50 effort, John’s melody and lyrics from the day’s headlines, Paul’s middle and the orchestral crescendos in the middle and end of the song. It was the two greatest songwriters of all time collaborating again and it was breathtaking. I am listening to the album right now. Go ahead, have a listen. Oh, the memories!
