Give Peace A Chance Recorded 5/31/1969

Today in Beatles History 5/31/1969
While in the middle of their Bed-In For Peace in Montreal, John and Yoko and friends and others who happened to be there, joined in the song that was to instantly become the anthem of a generation. It was Give Peace a Chance. In a response to a reporter’s question about why they were doing Bed-Ins, John responded with “All we are saying is give peace a chance”. Obviously the line stuck with him as he wrote the song on the spot, with Yoko’s assistance. 43 years later, it is still relevant, known and loved around the world. Wherever there are peaceful demonstrations and protests, you can be certain someone is there with a guitar, leading the gathered in the signature song of the Peace Movement.


Yellow Submarine ‘Docking’ on June 5th

The highly anticipated reissue of The Beatles animated classic, Yellow Submarine, is next Tuesday, June 5th on DVD and for the first time, on Blu Ray. The movie has been fully restored and hand painted, frame by frame. No digital tricks on this one. The result, for those who saw it in theatres a few weeks back, was phenomenal. Plus, the sound was also completely remastered and it has never sounded better! For all of you who have pre-ordered the DVD, Blu Ray or the Songtrack CD, we expect stock to arrive tomorrow and we will begin shipping so you can receive your orders on (hopefully) the release day. If you haven’t reserved yet, what are you waiting for!! Go have a Yellow Submarine Party next weekend! Invite friends and watch this pristine new version, enjoying every moment, remembering why this is such a beloved movie!
