Last Beatles Live Performance – 43 Years Ago Today

TODAY IN BEATLES HISTORY: JANUARY 30, 1969. The Beatles had been rehearsing, recording and filming the entire month of January, 1969, and they decided to end the film project with a live performance. So, at lunchtime, they headed up to the roof of Apple Records (3 Savile Row, London) and performed for around 40 minutes. It was difficult to see what was happening on that roof from the ground, but there was NO MISTAKING who was up there! Within minutes the streets were jammed with fans, who were treated to all new Beatles songs that would appear mostly on the Let It Be album and, of course, it became the grand finale to the movie of the same name. It was a pretty chilly day and “with a little help” from Billy Preston on keyboards, The Beatles had performed publicly for the first time in 2 1/2 years. It would be their last as a band. The most asked question we get is, When is Let It Be coming out on DVD? Only Apple knows, so we will all just have to be patient.


January 19th, When I’m 64

I want to thank all of you for your kind birthday wishes. Today is the day I turn that age made famous in that famous Beatles song from some album from 1967! I am a baby boomer and proud of it. My brother gave me the Introducing The Beatles Album for my 16th birthday in 1964. Meet The Beatles wasn’t released until the next day, but I was already a fan for life by then! To be able to put on Beatles Fans’ Celebrations for the past 37 years is a dream come true. I thank all of you for being part of that dream. Now I will go listen to Side Two, Track 2 of that album that now takes on a whole new perspective!!

Mark Lapidos
President and Founder of THE FEST FOR BEATLES FANS


Happy New Year!

January 1, 1962 – 50 years ago today. The Beatles down to London for some recordings that will forever be known as the Decca Audition Tapes. It was a very significant day in their history. Decca turned The Beatles down thinking guitar bands were on their way out. We would kindly say that it was poor judgment on their part!! These were later shopped around by Brian Epstein, being rejected by all, until he got to a producer for a small subsidiary of EMI Records, who specialized in mostly comedy records. He wasn’t sure what he liked about them, but he did, and decided to have them come down for an audition (two months before Ringo joined). His name was George Martin. A moment in history that will forever link him to The Beatles as they explored the world of recording over the next 7 1/2 years that reached heights that will never ever be matched.

We wish all of you a Very Happy, Healthy and Peaceful 2012!!
