And so it began – Beatlefest ’74: 9/7-8/1974

It was 37 years ago today, I headed out early to the Commodore Hotel in NYC to get ready for the first Beatlefest. I don’t think I was ever so nervous as that day. So many details going through my brain – will everything get set up in time? Will everybody show up? Did I forget some details? Will the programs arrive on time? It wasn’t until around noon (we opened at 1PM) when Apple’s representative showed up – VP Tony King. He come to my suite (the Presidential Suite where Hoover actually stayed while he was president!) and showed me the instruments of The Beatles donated for the Charity that John had chosen. Tony also brought the films, along with 6 signed copies of John’s books for the Auction. He then gave me a 7th copy that John signed for me. Seeing that book personalized somehow calmed me down and I realized it was really happening. I proceeded to go down to the ballroom just after 1PM, went up to the balcony and looked out to see the entire ballroom completely filled with fans. The adrenalin shot through me as I realized all of these Beatles fans were gathered in one place to honor the greatest rock and roll band of all time, because of an idea I had almost a year earlier. It was to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of The Beatles arrival in America, and I had the gumption to think I could get The Beatles to support it. The convention was the Cover Story of Rolling Stone (10/24/74). We held one the following year and then started going to other cities. Today, exactly 37 years and 115 National FESTS later, I thank all of you who have been along for the ride all these years. Friendships have begun there that have lasted a lifetime, Couples have met there and later married. They returned with their children, and yes, grandchildren too! If you were in attendance at the first one, we would love to hear your memories from that weekend.

Peace and Love,


Image is one of the two original Posters designed for the event. This one was created by Karni Krikoryan.
