HERE IS YOUR SECOND CHANCE! We are very excited to announce, by special arrangement with Cirque du Soleil, a Free Beatles Getaway to Las Vegas, including 2 VIP Tickets to The Beatles Love, Air Fare, 2 Nights at the Mirage and a VIP Gift Bag. This is one show all Beatles fans should try to get to. It celebrates its 5th anniversary this year and it keeps getting better and better! This giveaway is very easy to enter. The only place to enter is by going to our facebook page and click enter. Winner is picked at random. It also asks you for your favorite Solo Beatles Song and Solo Beatles Album. We will publish the results of our first full scale survey in eight years on the solo career in August. In the first giveaway in March, the winner was Dale Haberstich of Waterloo, Iowa. He and his wife are celebrating their 40th Wedding Anniversary this year, so it was a perfect gift.
The 35th Annual CHICAGO FEST is in 3 weeks (8/5-7) at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare in Rosemont, IL. The winner of the Las Vegas Package is going to be picked live on stage on Sunday at 9:00PM CDT. You do not have to be in attendance to win.