JUNE 25, 1967 – The Beatles performed a brand new song, All You Need Is Love Live from London and was broadcast to over 400 million people around the world, 44 years ago today. What made this so significant was that it was the first time there was an international LIVE TV broadcast, EVER! In an age where there is instant live news, information, music and skypeing from the remotest points on the planet, it is important to reflect on the steps it took to get to this point. And this one was HUGE. 40 countries were involved. Each one was asked to select something to reflect their country. The UK asked The Beatles if they would do it and they said yes. John then proceeded to write one of the most (if not the most) beloved anthems to Love ever written. Those words reverberated all around the world in an instant and The Summer of Love had begun. We may never know for certain if John had already written the song before learning of the TV event or just after, but timing is everything and the planets aligned for this song at that moment in time! Give it a listen today. Feel the magic of it on this day. You can even watched the colorized version on The Beatles Anthology DVD .
The Original & Longest Running Beatles Celebration, Since 1974!