Special Guests Dropping By

The “B.U.I. (Beatles Under The Influence)” musicians forum on Sunday
afternoon at 3:45PM is to be joined by a very special, previously-unannounced guest. Annie Haslam – co-founder/vocalist of the legendary British fusion band Renaissance – has just been added to the lineup and will
join musicians Gary Wright, Mark Hudson, Joey Molland, Mark Rivera and
forum creator/moderator Martin Lewis in an informal conversation and
jam session celebrating the myriad musical influences that shaped the

Annie’s brother, the late Michael Haslam, was a ballad singer managed
by Beatles manager Brian Epstein in the early 1960s – who performed at
the Beatles Christmas shows 1964-1965. Annie is currently recording
and touring with Renaissance. See: www.AnnieHaslam.com and www.RenaissanceTouring.com
Photo: Ebet Roberts

Also coming down are Larry Kane on Sunday, Sid Bernstein on both Saturday and Sunday, and Billy J. Kramer is dropping by to say hello to his old friend Freda Kelly. See you in just a few more days.


Win a Trip to Las Vegas/FEST Next Weekend

We are very excited to announce, by special arrangement with Cirque du Soleil, we are offering a Free Beatles Getaway to Las Vegas, including 2 VIP Tickets to The Beatles Love, Air Fare, 2 Nights at the Mirage and a VIP Gift Bag. This is one show  all Beatles fans should try to get to. It celebrates its 5th anniversary this year and it keeps getting better and better! This giveaway is very easy to enter. Go to our facebook page and click enter.  Since this is only being offered for 9 days, chances of winning is pretty good. Winner is picked at random. It also asks you for your favorite Beatles Song and Album. We will publish the results of our first full scale survey in eight years in a couple of weeks.

The FEST is next weekend (3/25-27) at the NJ Crowne Plaza Meadowlands and the winner is going to be picked live on stage on Sunday at 8:00PM.


Freda Kelly – Special Guest

Imagine being one of the earliest Beatles fans, back in Liverpool in 1962 and becoming friends with the band. Then imagine  becoming their fan club secretary and starting to work closely with them, being invited to their houses, go to family functions, etc. Imagine that continuing for 10 YEARS – through Apple! Well that is exactly what happened to our special guest FREDA KELLY. Freda is flying in from Liverpool to make her very first FEST appearance and first US public appearance talking about her days and years with the four most popular and recognizable men on the planet – John, Paul, George & Ringo.

Remember, today is the First Advance Ticket Deadline and chance to purchase tickets at their lowest prices. Tomorrow they go up a little. FEST is only two weeks away – the weekend of March 25-27 at the NJ Crowne Plaza Meadowlands. Fans from over 20 states are already signed up. Hope you can join us.


FEST tickets mailed Thursday & Friday

The first Advance price ticket deadline is this Friday, March 11th. If you are planning to join us, you definitely want to order your tickets before midnight on Friday. With our 37th Annual FEST only two weeks away, the excitement is building with each passing day. The Special Guests are coming in from as far away as the UK and California to make the weekend an amazing and unforgettable one for all. The tickets are being mailed tomorrow and Friday as promised. We will post the Schedule of Events on our site by next weekend to help you plan your FEST time in advance. Join us on facebook to follow us on the path to the FEST. We have a big announcement coming in a couple of days (no it is not Paul or Ringo joining us), but we guarantee it will get all Beatles fans very excited!! Stay tuned.
