Tickets and Details for NY METRO FEST

Thanks for all the calls and facebook comments about the upcoming 37th Annual NY METRO FEST FOR BEATLES FANS 2011 taking place the weekend of March 25-27 at the NJ Crowne Plaza Meadowlands.

We have a great lineup of Special Guests and some new exhibits as well. We are very excited to share all the details beginning on Friday, Jan 28th. We will also be sending out an email newsletter at the same time. The physical brochure/catalogue will be sent out a few weeks later. So spread the word and hope to see you there!


47 Years Ago Today

Monday, January 6, 1964 – 7:45PM. I (Mark) remember it like it was yesterday. I was listening to 77-WABC the main Top 40 radio station in NYC, doing my homework when I first heard I Want To Hold Your Hand. It immediately grabbed me, so different, so exciting, so new. I wanted to know who I was listening to. When the song was over, Radio Legend Scott Muni announced that it was a group from England called The Beatles. I thought “what an unusual name! This was a few days before my 16th birthday and all these years later I am still hooked on them. Once a Beatles fan, always a Beatles fan.
