Attention Lennon Lovers in NY Metro Area!!!

QmenSpecial $5 per ticket discount for the first show of the Quarrymen “Happy Birthday John!” tour!
Thursday September 23rd at the NJPAC in Newark, NJ

Each show on the tour includes an exclusive Sneak Preview of the new movie Nowhere Boy and a full-length concert by John Lennon’s original band-mates The Quarrymen – The Band That Became The Beatles. They have been Special Guests at previous FESTs. Now see them in a Concert Hall!!

The tour starts next week in Newark – on Thursday Sept 23rd.  Friends of the Fest get a $5 discount on each ticket.

1)    Go to The Show:
2)    Instant register with the site (it’s easy and free)
3)    Click on Buy Now button
4)    Select seats
5)    Proceed to check out
6)    In space for promotional code enter: The Fest

Full tour details:
Other John celebrations:
