John Lennon & Harry Nilsson in Films

Lennon74Perhaps there is a little Instant Karma working here, but two wonderful separate movies about two dear friends are being released shortly. First up is a documentary, Who is Harry Nilsson…and Why Is Everybody Talkin’ About Him? The Beatles called Harry their favorite American singer and he was best friends with John and Ringo. This film about his life opens this Friday, September 10th at the Cinema Theater, 22 East 12th St, NYC. We were privileged to have a sneak preview at last month’s Chicago FEST and it was very well received. John Scheinfeld (Director, Writer,Producer) will be there in person on Friday and Saturday’s 7:30PM and 10:00PM shows for a Q & A following the film. For Tickets or more information, CLICK HERE.

As we anxiously await the release of Nowhere Boy on Friday, October 8th, a film about John’s youth (which we also sneak previewed in Chicago), we can tell you that there will be a series of concerts by John’s first band, The Quarrymen, where Nowhere Boy will be shown just prior to the concerts. Go to for Tour details. The first of these special events take place at the NJ PAC in Newark on Thursday, Sept 23rd. If you live in the area, it is a great place to see the movie and The Quarrymen. Hope to see you there.

THIS DAY IN BEATLES HISTORY: It was 36 years ago TODAY, September 7, 1974 the first day of the first Beatlefest (as it was called back then) was held at the old Commodore Hotel in NYC. That was the FEST that John truly almost showed up to pick the winner of his guitar that he autographed for charity. The convention made the cover story of Rolling Stone Magazine, a month later, written by the late Joel Siegel. The cover headline was Strange Rumblings in Pepperland!
