Although over a month away, many celebrations are being planned to celebrate the birth of John Lennon, 70 years ago, on October 9th. Yoko will again be in Iceland for the Imagine Peace Tower Lighting Ceremony. Closer to home, we have the release of Nowhere Boy to look forward to. Keep checking on some special announcements concerning this outstanding Feature Movie, in theaters on October 8th. For more info, go to There are some other cool sites. Dave Haber of, has set up one just for all the news you want about the celebrations – John’s first band, The Quarrymen (former FEST Guests) are coming to the states for a Tour they are calling the Happy Birthday, John 2010 US Tour. For all the details on the tour, go to
We have also noticed some pretty interesting videos popping up on YouTube. Check out this one, for example- CLICK HERE.
The image shown here is from a Brand New Black Light Poster, coming out in about 3 weeks.