Hey Jude Released 42 years ago today

HeyJudeAugust 24, 1968, I hear Hey Jude for the first time. It was on WABC -in New York and It was on a small transistor radio. I was a waiter at Kutsher’s CC in the Catskills and I was half asleep, in between breakfast and lunch work. It seemed to go on forever. I couldn’t get over what I had just heard! To me, it is the greatest song ever. In college that fall, I would not leave the car if it was on the radio until the song was over (and it was on every single hour, during its nine week run at Number One.) Needless to say, I was late for many classes in my senior year!!! All these years later it is still 7:11 of pure joy and magic. The final song that Liverpool performs at the FESTS is always Hey Jude. Go have a listen to it today. See what I mean.


Chicago FEST – an amazing weekend!

logo2010There are so many highlights from the weekend, that we don’t know where to start. Actually we do. Our first time Special Guest, GARY WRIGHT world premiered, To Discover Yourself, a song he co-wrote with George Harrison in 1971. Liverpool gave it a George treatment and the result was pure joy. If you want to hear this live version, tune in to Chris Carter’s Breakfast With The Beatles, this Sunday, August 22, on KLOS in Los Angeles. The show is also heard on Little Steven’s Underground Garage on Sirius Radio, but it may not air the same weekend. For more details, go to Gary’s site – www.thedreamweaver.com. We hope to be posting the vieo version of the song in the next week. One of Gary’s appearances was with his (and our) old friend KLAUS VOORMANN. They talked about how they met and became so involved in George’s (and Ringo’s) recording sessions. They also performed two songs they played on the original hit versions of with both George and Ringo – It Don’t Come Easy and Back Off Boogaloo. We also has three former members of Wings at the FEST in Chicago for the first time – DENNY LAINE, DENNY SEIWELL, and LAURENCE JUBER. Together, they treated us to a great set of Wings songs. Laurence also premiered his 2nd volume CD of Beatles classics, LJ Plays the Beatles 2, as well as solo acoustic concerts. Fans really enjoyed listening to CHRIS O’DELL talk of here days with Apple and her unique journey through that time period. We raised over $4,000 for Charity, with the Auctioning off of Signed Bags by Yoko and some USB Apple bringing in money. The winner of this year’s Battle of the Beatles Bands was The Bugs, the same young band that won in 2009. We congratulate them on their repeat.
