We Celebrate John Lennon on his 71st Birthday

Today we honor John on what would have been his 71st Birthday. The best way is to put on a CD, or open iTunes and listen to your favorite songs of John’s. After all, it was his music that brought him to us! And we will always be grateful. For those around the country (and world), Yoko is in Reykjavik, Iceland to relight the Imagine Peace Tower at 4:00PMĀ  MY time, 1:00PM LA time). Go to www.imaginepeacetower.com for the live event. The are events going on all over the country, but if you are in the New York area, we have Strawberry Fields, across the street from the Dakota, where fans gather to feel his presence in the part of Central Park he and Yoko walked in so often. We know we will see a lot of familiar faces there today. Yoko (and Q104.3) are presenting Gimme Some Truth, a Visual Tribute to honor his birth. It runs through tomorrow at 76 Wooster Street, between Spring and Broome Streets. For info, call 1-888-ART-1969. We are going to check this out before heading up to the park. This evening, we cap off a full day of ‘John’ at BB Kings on 42nd Street at 8:00PM. Our friend and music legend Billy J. Kramer is in concert, with Gary Lewis and will be celebrating the day with some of John’s songs. Tickets are still available.

We also want to wish Sean Lennon a very happy 36th birthday. On a personal note, my father was also born on this day. He would have been 95. As a musician and bandleader, he sent me on a musical path that has lasted a lifetime. Thanks, Dad.

All you need is love!


8 thoughts on “We Celebrate John Lennon on his 71st Birthday

  1. Pingback: The Fest for Beatles Fans « Liverpool Hotels

  2. Thank you John. I will never forget you or all the goodness you brought into the world for everyone. All we need is Love. And when I die I hope I get to meet you first, right after my mother, of course.

  3. Last year for John’s birthday Mark Hudson held a “Happy Birthday, John” concert and shindig with Glen Burtnik, Ron Nasty himself, Neil Innes, Pete Seeger, the Quarrymen, Tom Paxton, Blueberry Acres, Tom Chapin, Marshall Crenshaw, Christofer Drew of Never Shout Never, the Rivertown Kids, Garland Jeffreys and Earl Slick I got to see the film Nowhere Boy.

  4. On a personal note two months after his 40th birthday and two days after my mom’s 20th birthday John Lennon was murdered outside the Dakota by Mark David Chapman my mom was 20 when she heard the news
    lying in bed pregnant with her first child, dad was at work six years before John’s death, Mark Lapidos asked to put on a convention celebration for the Beatles to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Beatles’ arrival in America and John said “I’m all for it I’m a Beatles fan, too!” Before his death, John Lennon visited Howard Cosell on Monday Night Football answering when the Beatles would reunite. Then six years later, Howard announced john lennon’s death during the dolphins-patriots monday night football game.

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